exactly, and they don't have fun doing it. I watched Red Queen on week 1 spam the lost sector dropping leg armor to get 8 pairs or so of each in an hour (while complaining about how "weak" the Hunter exotic was....in hindsight that should make us all guffaw until we fall out of our chairs). And I get that...it's new. But here is the thing about MMOs, and even WoW figured this out. When I played Final Fantasy XI, the Salvage armor sets came out. Each was, seriously, the best a class could wear (or portions of it, for macroing in during spell casts, etc.). Now, I was a hardcore player, but these when they came out were also even harder than any of the endgame content. Even for top tier players it was going to take months to get. After about 4 months, they made it easier. It was still a challenge, but overall anyone could get it. The reasoning SquareEnix gave: If everyone can have the armor now, it makes the game more fun for everyone. We want people to engage in our game, and this allows everyone to have a more even floor. This way the best of each job stand out, and even the most lackluster Black Mage can still contribute more effectively.The funny thing is, the hard core folks will run through this content in seconds, then never do it again. I just don't do it at all. It's no longer fun to me. I want to have fun, not be frustrated. So, I've taken the stance of, if I don't get it, so be it. I just don't care anymore.
I mean, I don't know if it's Destiny, or my worldly attitude right now. But I don't even want to listen to Destiny podcasts anymore. I used to listen to Guardian Radio, Planet Destiny Podcast, Destiny Community Podcast and Fireteam Chat. I haven't listen to them in about a year now. I just don't want to listen to them complain. I'm done with complaining. When I found out that Briar Rabbit only plays like a week of Destiny every new season, I was like, why do I even give a bleep about what he thinks anymore. Then most of them just started touting PC Master Race stuff and I am just fed up.
So, I still love the Crucible, as broken as it may be. But I have fun in it, so I focus on that. I am good with that.
Something Bungie may want to consider. I don't mind everyone knowing that I'm just a casual Titan. Shoot, I'm still getting a hang of using middle tree Sentinel and Ursa Furiosa to be a mobile firing line.