Season of the Splicer

Dec 17, 2020
The funny thing is, the hard core folks will run through this content in seconds, then never do it again. I just don't do it at all. It's no longer fun to me. I want to have fun, not be frustrated. So, I've taken the stance of, if I don't get it, so be it. I just don't care anymore.

I mean, I don't know if it's Destiny, or my worldly attitude right now. But I don't even want to listen to Destiny podcasts anymore. I used to listen to Guardian Radio, Planet Destiny Podcast, Destiny Community Podcast and Fireteam Chat. I haven't listen to them in about a year now. I just don't want to listen to them complain. I'm done with complaining. When I found out that Briar Rabbit only plays like a week of Destiny every new season, I was like, why do I even give a bleep about what he thinks anymore. Then most of them just started touting PC Master Race stuff and I am just fed up.

So, I still love the Crucible, as broken as it may be. But I have fun in it, so I focus on that. I am good with that.
exactly, and they don't have fun doing it. I watched Red Queen on week 1 spam the lost sector dropping leg armor to get 8 pairs or so of each in an hour (while complaining about how "weak" the Hunter exotic hindsight that should make us all guffaw until we fall out of our chairs). And I get's new. But here is the thing about MMOs, and even WoW figured this out. When I played Final Fantasy XI, the Salvage armor sets came out. Each was, seriously, the best a class could wear (or portions of it, for macroing in during spell casts, etc.). Now, I was a hardcore player, but these when they came out were also even harder than any of the endgame content. Even for top tier players it was going to take months to get. After about 4 months, they made it easier. It was still a challenge, but overall anyone could get it. The reasoning SquareEnix gave: If everyone can have the armor now, it makes the game more fun for everyone. We want people to engage in our game, and this allows everyone to have a more even floor. This way the best of each job stand out, and even the most lackluster Black Mage can still contribute more effectively.

Something Bungie may want to consider. I don't mind everyone knowing that I'm just a casual Titan. Shoot, I'm still getting a hang of using middle tree Sentinel and Ursa Furiosa to be a mobile firing line.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
exactly, and they don't have fun doing it. I watched Red Queen on week 1 spam the lost sector dropping leg armor to get 8 pairs or so of each in an hour (while complaining about how "weak" the Hunter exotic hindsight that should make us all guffaw until we fall out of our chairs). And I get's new. But here is the thing about MMOs, and even WoW figured this out. When I played Final Fantasy XI, the Salvage armor sets came out. Each was, seriously, the best a class could wear (or portions of it, for macroing in during spell casts, etc.). Now, I was a hardcore player, but these when they came out were also even harder than any of the endgame content. Even for top tier players it was going to take months to get. After about 4 months, they made it easier. It was still a challenge, but overall anyone could get it. The reasoning SquareEnix gave: If everyone can have the armor now, it makes the game more fun for everyone. We want people to engage in our game, and this allows everyone to have a more even floor. This way the best of each job stand out, and even the most lackluster Black Mage can still contribute more effectively.

Something Bungie may want to consider. I don't mind everyone knowing that I'm just a casual Titan. Shoot, I'm still getting a hang of using middle tree Sentinel and Ursa Furiosa to be a mobile firing line.

I can't Titan or Warlock... But I can Hunter. And I do believe the Silence and Squall can be very week. But only when I use it. I see others just walk out of my super, while I and 100000000 meters away and still get frozen and die. Also, I've seen my squall just meander off to nowhere, while the Warlock super literally tracks me over and an obstacle and take me out. It could just be a skill gap.

I am fine with some of the game being difficult. Trials for instance. I believe that should be for the hard core to get Flawless. I'm fine with that. I enjoy going in and trying to get my 3 wins and just play with my buddies and having a good time, even if we lose at times.

I am fine with the Grand Master NF. That should be the Trials of PvE. Just don't make it a weekly challenge that if I don't get I don't complete the weekly challenges. I was off comms and couldn't do it last season, so I quit trying to complete the weeklies when I saw I wasn't going to be able to do that one thing.

As I said, I don't mind "difficult" content. The Master Exo Challenge was one a good example of that. It took me a few tries at the end, but I finally figured it out and got through it. But I was able to do it "solo". Not everyone is able to get a fireteam together and do GM stuff.
Dec 17, 2020
I can't Titan or Warlock... But I can Hunter. And I do believe the Silence and Squall can be very week. But only when I use it. I see others just walk out of my super, while I and 100000000 meters away and still get frozen and die. Also, I've seen my squall just meander off to nowhere, while the Warlock super literally tracks me over and an obstacle and take me out. It could just be a skill gap.

I am fine with some of the game being difficult. Trials for instance. I believe that should be for the hard core to get Flawless. I'm fine with that. I enjoy going in and trying to get my 3 wins and just play with my buddies and having a good time, even if we lose at times.

I am fine with the Grand Master NF. That should be the Trials of PvE. Just don't make it a weekly challenge that if I don't get I don't complete the weekly challenges. I was off comms and couldn't do it last season, so I quit trying to complete the weeklies when I saw I wasn't going to be able to do that one thing.

As I said, I don't mind "difficult" content. The Master Exo Challenge was one a good example of that. It took me a few tries at the end, but I finally figured it out and got through it. But I was able to do it "solo". Not everyone is able to get a fireteam together and do GM stuff.
Exactly. I don't have an issue with difficult content, and that should be rewarded, with those rewards being given more easily after a time. My issue is more that useful armor (that makes you useful to your team in general) is locked behind a skill wall. At some point, you need to limit that, because equipment can mean much more than a skill gap. When Vanilla D1 came out, I could not get a raid party for VoG, because no one on the LFG sites would take a Titan without GHorn over anyone with one. I did not get a Gjallarhorn until I beat Crota the first time (he was the best raid boss ever, my first kill on him he gave me Abyss Defiant, GHorn, the Helm AND my Crux of Crota so I could instantly evolve my Eidolon Ally in the raid). I've seen people on LFG now for raids refusing to take titans that dont have Ursa Furiosa, or were not (until they "nerfed" hunter by banning Star Eaters for 24 hours) accepting anyone for VoG this weekend unless they had them. Half of that is the playerbase and the tryhards, but some of it is also that they've locked some of these exotics behind a wall you can't breach unless you are near the light cap...which is going to turn off newer players and casuals...and since that's the lifeblood of an IP, that sounds like a silly idea. If its a Europa /Cosmodrome Legendary Lost Sector now, its been 6 months...they should limit those to 1250 LL to help people catch up. Do the same for the chest armor lost sectors (to say 1300 like last season)....that way you are rewarding your hardcore audience while letting the others catch up.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
The funny thing is, the hard core folks will run through this content in seconds, then never do it again. I just don't do it at all. It's no longer fun to me. I want to have fun, not be frustrated. So, I've taken the stance of, if I don't get it, so be it. I just don't care anymore.

I mean, I don't know if it's Destiny, or my worldly attitude right now. But I don't even want to listen to Destiny podcasts anymore. I used to listen to Guardian Radio, Planet Destiny Podcast, Destiny Community Podcast and Fireteam Chat. I haven't listen to them in about a year now. I just don't want to listen to them complain. I'm done with complaining. When I found out that Briar Rabbit only plays like a week of Destiny every new season, I was like, why do I even give a bleep about what he thinks anymore. Then most of them just started touting PC Master Race stuff and I am just fed up.

So, I still love the Crucible, as broken as it may be. But I have fun in it, so I focus on that. I am good with that.
I with Michael on this if I don't get it so be , I've said this for a long time now and I'll say it again , Bungie listens to the streamers and they are they ones who do the most crying ! I haven't done and don't plan on doing any of the Legendary Lost Sectors , so I won't be getting any of the Exotic armor anymore ,I haven't done a raid since D1 so I won't be getting any of that stuff either . I pay the same money as everybody else and when I play I want to enjoy myself not get aggravated ,(this is why the new seasonal exotic got vaulted) .If they want to make stuff hard to get I'll do without it , I have so far , when I don't enjoy playing the way I play anymore , then it will be time to call it done ! Sorry for the rant !!


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I liked the old way better where Exotics would just drop in the wild , at least most of them !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I don't do LFG so I didn't know about the exclusions people are putting on the raids. Which is kind of ridiculous. I guess I'm just used to running with my Clan. It doesn't matter what we run. My only complaint is that I have to run a raid many times to learn it. Because my clan just races through it. I don't want to be that guy that makes it a multi night raid. So I just do one thing.

That's why my favorite raid is WoTM. I ran through it first with my clan and we learned it together. That was the only raid I was able to do that with.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I with Michael on this if I don't get it so be , I've said this for a long time now and I'll say it again , Bungie listens to the streamers and they are they ones who do the most crying ! I haven't done and don't plan on doing any of the Legendary Lost Sectors , so I won't be getting any of the Exotic armor anymore ,I haven't done a raid since D1 so I won't be getting any of that stuff either . I pay the same money as everybody else and when I play I want to enjoy myself not get aggravated ,(this is why the new seasonal exotic got vaulted) .If they want to make stuff hard to get I'll do without it , I have so far , when I don't enjoy playing the way I play anymore , then it will be time to call it done ! Sorry for the rant !!

It's not a rant. It's actually reality. The streamers are upset because stasis has closed the skill gap in crucible so the aping shot gunners can't ape anymore and they're crying. I had an aping shot gunner leave a match last night because he was getting his arse handed to him. I laughed.

Bungie needs the streamers to make Destiny interesting to the mindless masses. But those streamers wants things that make it challenging the make it interesting. But those of us with brains don't give a cr@p about that. We want to enjoy the game we pay for.

I think one or two exotics should be behind end game content. i.e. raids, But in general, it should be obtainable solo for the general public if it is content we pay for.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
It's not a rant. It's actually reality. The streamers are upset because stasis has closed the skill gap in crucible so the aping shot gunners can't ape anymore and they're crying. I had an aping shot gunner leave a match last night because he was getting his arse handed to him. I laughed.

Bungie needs the streamers to make Destiny interesting to the mindless masses. But those streamers wants things that make it challenging the make it interesting. But those of us with brains don't give a cr@p about that. We want to enjoy the game we pay for.

I think one or two exotics should be behind end game content. i.e. raids, But in general, it should be obtainable solo for the general public if it is content we pay for.
I agree 100% !!!!!!!
Dec 17, 2020
I agree 100% !!!!!!!
Me too. One caveat on raid exotics, as I was thinking about this last night with the Spoils in the Monument: I don't think you should have to do raids to get really old raid exotics. Or at least, I think there should be another way to get spoils besides raids. I'd love to see a way to get say, 40-50 a week (via say a mission or Spider) that would give anyone 40-50. I mean, Mythoclast and Eyes of Tomorrow being unavailable since those raids are live is fine. But Acrius has been out 3 years, Anarchy / Tarrabah for 2. It's time anyone be able to get them. I'd say the same for 1000 Voices, but you can still do that raid.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
Me too. One caveat on raid exotics, as I was thinking about this last night with the Spoils in the Monument: I don't think you should have to do raids to get really old raid exotics. Or at least, I think there should be another way to get spoils besides raids. I'd love to see a way to get say, 40-50 a week (via say a mission or Spider) that would give anyone 40-50. I mean, Mythoclast and Eyes of Tomorrow being unavailable since those raids are live is fine. But Acrius has been out 3 years, Anarchy / Tarrabah for 2. It's time anyone be able to get them. I'd say the same for 1000 Voices, but you can still do that raid.
This is true , but you know the cry babies will complain if that happens . Year one day one so to speak , when your clan members completed a raid Hawthorne gave you a raid weapon , the cry babies complained and Bungie took it away now you get the same old crap , this is why they made it the way they did .I have yet to do a D2 raid , I tried doing Leviathan but the mechanics are stupid , so once the other people I was doing it with started arguing , I left and didn't try again , there is no need for there to be over the top mechanics in a game , I just want to shoot , if I wanted to solve puzzles and jump around like an idiot , I'd play a platformer , not a shooter , that's why I don't do D2 raids !
Dec 17, 2020
This is true , but you know the cry babies will complain if that happens . Year one day one so to speak , when your clan members completed a raid Hawthorne gave you a raid weapon , the cry babies complained and Bungie took it away now you get the same old crap , this is why they made it the way they did .I have yet to do a D2 raid , I tried doing Leviathan but the mechanics are stupid , so once the other people I was doing it with started arguing , I left and didn't try again , there is no need for there to be over the top mechanics in a game , I just want to shoot , if I wanted to solve puzzles and jump around like an idiot , I'd play a platformer , not a shooter , that's why I don't do D2 raids !
Other top-tier Paladins in FFXI complained when "casuals" could finally get the Ares body armor too...then they realized that meant the off-tank could actually survive during end-game world boss battles, and they stopped. People can wail and clutch at their pearls and scream "but the children!"...and in the end they realize that it's better for the group that everyone can use Anarchy rather than having it as lucky drop. We used to call people who were that focused on things being exclusive overly focused on their "e-peen". But I've also never given much truck to elitism. XD
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Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
Me too. One caveat on raid exotics, as I was thinking about this last night with the Spoils in the Monument: I don't think you should have to do raids to get really old raid exotics. Or at least, I think there should be another way to get spoils besides raids. I'd love to see a way to get say, 40-50 a week (via say a mission or Spider) that would give anyone 40-50. I mean, Mythoclast and Eyes of Tomorrow being unavailable since those raids are live is fine. But Acrius has been out 3 years, Anarchy / Tarrabah for 2. It's time anyone be able to get them. I'd say the same for 1000 Voices, but you can still do that raid.

I finally got 1K Voices after about 18 runs and it went into the vault. I may have used it once just to try it out.

I still haven't gotten Eyes of Tomorrow. I ran that raid with the same people like 10-15 times. One guy got eyes every single time. The same thing happened with 1K Voices. Someone who already had it, kept getting it.

I don't like that type of RNG.

Acrius, I don't know about. I mean, I got it. But it was a royal PITA to get the quest complete. It took 2 years to find a group who wanted to do Hard mode Leviathan so I could complete the last step and then it was hard to complete the hard mode. I can see how some would complain if it were just handed when we had to go through hell and back just to complete something.

I think if the RNG on the raid weapons wasn't so finicky, it would be better. But when one person does a raid 100 times and doesn't get something, and others do it once and they get it. That's just BS.
Dec 17, 2020
I finally got 1K Voices after about 18 runs and it went into the vault. I may have used it once just to try it out.

I still haven't gotten Eyes of Tomorrow. I ran that raid with the same people like 10-15 times. One guy got eyes every single time. The same thing happened with 1K Voices. Someone who already had it, kept getting it.

I don't like that type of RNG.

Acrius, I don't know about. I mean, I got it. But it was a royal PITA to get the quest complete. It took 2 years to find a group who wanted to do Hard mode Leviathan so I could complete the last step and then it was hard to complete the hard mode. I can see how some would complain if it were just handed when we had to go through hell and back just to complete something.

I think if the RNG on the raid weapons wasn't so finicky, it would be better. But when one person does a raid 100 times and doesn't get something, and others do it once and they get it. That's just BS.
I could see something to make it difficult. I'm not saying make it easy. I'm saying it should take about a month of running the special activities to earn the raid exotic. Which could conceivably be harder than getting it from the raid. The RNG nature of raid weapons is a major issue though. I mean, I got my Crota's End Raid Helm, Abyss Defiant, my first Gjallarhorn, and the Crux of Crota in my first run (and all on Crota). And I felt HORRIBLE for everyone else who had never even seen their raid helm drop or had never gotten the Crux for Necrochasm in more than 7 weeks at that point. I had my Eidolon ready to max out and fully evolve, and Necrochasm was never given the love it deserved (that was the exotic to use for the Abyss man....that thing could handle the never ending stream of Thrall like they were nothing), but I still felt horrible I got it on my first try. It shouldn't be that hard to get raid exotics.