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  1. michael6745

    Guardian Games begin April 20, 2021

    Oh joy. Hail to the Titans since they're going to probably alter the hunter numbers again. Anyway... You get the Heir Apparent and the catalyst. Which I already have.
  2. michael6745

    I now have the Unbroken Title

    I've been able to consistently get above 3100 in the solo queue. It's past that when I think you should have a full fireteam so you can coordinate.
  3. michael6745


    I can understand at the higher levels the need for the Champions. I don't like them, but I see them as a necessary evil. But making standard weekly challenges requiring that you have to beat the highest level NF is just ridiculous. I was 1328 and I had it rough in the 1330 NF. They cap you...
  4. michael6745


    I believe you need to purchase the new season in order to unlock the Presage mission.
  5. michael6745

    I now have the Unbroken Title

    Got my third Legend and I'm finally unbroken. Thanks to the help of clan mates. I got so close often. I was within 3 games (5200) and then went on a losing streak. Another 20 games later... That was a tough title to get.
  6. michael6745

    Team Shooting

    I enjoy the Competitive playlist in D2. I'm so close to Unbroken. It's a tough ride. One thing I just don't like is team shooting. There are teams that are just good. They can push and steamroll me. I'm fine with that. They're good, I'm not. I get it. Then you get those teams who...
  7. michael6745


    But rewarding you for poor shots doesn't make for fun gameplay. It just made people stand in the back of the map. Booooring. Slow, no push team shooting is boring.
  8. michael6745


    I hate to say this, but if they brought Icebreaker back, I'd probably quit Destiny. I'm glad they sunset Revoker. I mean, the gun awarded you for being a crappy shot. If you miss, you get a shot back, no regard for aim. I was guilty of it. Icebreaker would be worse. They should have made...
  9. michael6745


    I finally got the 1000 voices after about 30 runs. One of my clan mates would always steal it from me. But I finally got it, and it went into the vault. Funny part is, we did the Riven wish to complete something else, I can't remember, and that's when I got the 1K. Same thing for the new...
  10. michael6745


    I'm the same way. I usually go into a mission well after it's been out and then I'm just following whomever I'm running it with. If I go in and take time and pay attention while going through, I can remember it. But usually everyone just wants to run through it. bleh...
  11. michael6745

    Outriders Demo early review

    I already made my decision that I wasn't going to buy it. I got interested because of the story line. But the game play just doesn't seem like it's going to be a long term replayable game. So, it's a no for me. It's not a BAD game, just not what I'm looking for.
  12. michael6745


    It's funny, a clanmate of mine runs Titan. He loves to Yeet on people in PvP. He hates Behemoth as he feels it's not strong enough. But if he's not running stasis he feels he's at a disadvantage. I just got my hunter to 1310 with IB this last week. I got my final piece. I know several...
  13. michael6745


    I'm actually with you on that. What really annoys me is that they've made the seasonal challenges require that you have to have a fire team. Week 6, you need to complete a Grandmaster Nightfall Week 8 (not yet released) you need to have 7 wins in Trials I can't even do the 1330 Nightfall, let...
  14. michael6745


    I only have a marginally intelligent phone. At least the operator is...
  15. michael6745


    I'm using a pen and paper.
  16. michael6745

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    Wow... I'm up there with Tassi in Ubo's eyes. I'm so honored. AC explained how the win trader thing worked. I never made it through the video so not sure if he mentioned card glitch.
  17. michael6745


    I would need a PC first.
  18. michael6745


    Yes, I'm fine with playing across a PS4 with a PS5. When are we finishing the Raid?
  19. michael6745

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    I should post the Paul Tassi video, but I don't want to send @Lil'Ubo into a rage...
  20. michael6745


    You can keep that garbage over on PC.