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  1. michael6745

    My Null Composure Guide

    You don't have Malfeasance yet?
  2. michael6745

    Iron Banner Week of 5/18/21

    Well. Too many 6 stacks trying to pub stomp. Otherwise I'm having fun. My very first Iron Banner of this season was hilarious. It was all singles, my team rolled over the other team. In the post game stats, I look and every one on my team are Unbroken. Zero unbrokens on the other team...
  3. michael6745

    My Null Composure Guide

    Oh, and I Joey Tune'd my way through this. I needed fusion kills for the guilding of my Unbroken title, so I cheesed it and went Jotunn... Darn shot gunners had it coming...
  4. michael6745

    My Null Composure Guide

    I've already gotten it. I've been using it in PvP with some success since I am not a fusion guy anyway. I've taken the attitude DILLGAF and just play. Shoot what's in front on me if I die, so be it. It's a game, I'm not getting upset. Anyway, it's a decent fusion, I just need to figure out...
  5. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    A potato is better than the new exotic side arm. I'm a sidearm aficionado and I have never liked any of the exotic sidearms. Even the D1 exotic sidearm.
  6. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I don't like the stasis side arm. It's crap. I'm only at 13 kills and I've been trying. If it was a good sidearm I'd be done. LOL... I've done a bit of the fusion quest. Not going to push it. I'm in love with the new 180 HC. Survivor's Epitaph. This one has ambitious assassin and...
  7. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I played several crucible matches last night. I'm finally good again. LOL. The population is up, so the sucky people are back, so I look like I'm doing well. I figured I'll work on guilding my Unbroken for the second time. I don't need to do everything anymore. I'm just not caring for it...
  8. michael6745


    Okay, as long as it's normal level. Master level is insane.
  9. michael6745


    I ran it solo my for the first time last week.
  10. michael6745

    Season of the Splicer

    I'm not sure if I'm underwhelmed or it's just par for the course. ?? It could be that I'm just tired. I always hate the beginning of a new season. I just feel overwhelmed with all the new things I have to do. The jumping puzzle didn't bother me. The Master level Exo challenge is what...
  11. michael6745


    I would assume. They aren't taking the last seasons content away immediately like they used to.
  12. michael6745


    Out of the three, I'd go with Outbreak.
  13. michael6745


    I ran around with Xenophage in strikes to complete the last part of the catalyst quest.
  14. michael6745


  15. michael6745

    Team Shooting

    Oh, I know. I just like to complain about it. I don't find team shooting fun. I can win my ones, but don't care to come across 5 guardians shooting down an alley.
  16. michael6745


    Exactly. That's my dilemma.
  17. michael6745


    I got the Heir Apparent catalyst last night. Which means I need to do more GG stuff. ugh... I'm conflicted. I was planning on spending the rest of the season on Guilding my Unbroken title. I completed that two nights ago. Now do I complete the guilding of my Dredgen Title? I'm almost...
  18. michael6745


    I played all weekend and last night and had no errors. Some very laggy folks, but no canaries.
  19. michael6745


    There are a couple of the Legendary LS's that are easier than others. I'd search on YouTube for strategies. I like doing them when they're on void damage increase. I use Lemon Arc bow or Graviton Lance with a void RL. I'm not saying that it's easy. If you do the 1300 LS instead, you still...
  20. michael6745

    I now have the Unbroken Title

    When cross play becomes a thing I'll play with you.