Hey all. We have a solid three man fire team. We have a good time but would love to do some raids and such. We want to set something up for 7pm EST this evening if anyone wants to run. We aren't down for any hardcore folks getting angry when someone dies. We play to have fun. We bust each other's asses and are hard on ourselves when we die but don't need to hear it from someone else and in return we won't run our pie holes when you die(at least not much
) All joking aside. We are all vets of D1 raids and do all the high level shit we can as 2-3 man squad. We just wanna find some cool guys/gals they may be in the same predicament as us or maybe just want to help us. We are 1280-1273 and would be down for any raid to start with and experience isn't a must, we can figure it out together. We play just about every night at 7-10 or about that time. Sorry so long winded. Hit me up.