

Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
If Bungie is going to continue putting new Exotics in high power missions (lost sectors) and raids , and not have them in RNG drops , then I've decided that they can keep them , I not going to bother going after them with the little time I have to play I'm not going to waste it going after something , that after you "kill" yourself to get it , it either isn't that good or it gets nerfed into the ground and becomes useless .There are far too many good guns in the game to waste my time going after a weapon or armor I'm not going to use !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I'm actually with you on that. What really annoys me is that they've made the seasonal challenges require that you have to have a fire team.

Week 6, you need to complete a Grandmaster Nightfall
Week 8 (not yet released) you need to have 7 wins in Trials

I can't even do the 1330 Nightfall, let alone 1350. If you don't have a fireteam, you have no chance of finishing this. Same goes for Trials. As toxic as Trials is, even with a good team, we scape out maybe 3 wins. If you're unable to put a fireteam together, forget it.

I have no issues with 99% of the challenges. But if they've made two challenges almost impossible to complete, so what's the point of even trying to complete any of them now.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I have yet to do the Hawkmoon or the Presage missions , I'm too old and my RT is to slow to do that shit by myself , I'm not even 1300 yet (1294/93/95) , and even though they aren't for Exotics they can keep those Exo challenges too they are horrible bullshit ! All I want to do is shoot , not jump around , not put the energy ball in the socket , this is why I haven't done any of the D2 raid they are all over the top mechanic laced and I'm not having it ! I'll bet when VOG comes back they added to it enough to ruin it ........we shall see ! I want to do Trials for the armor and guns but I not good enough for that , but once they have whatever kind of matchmaking its going to have in the future I may give it a go !
Dec 17, 2020
I never got a chance to do any of the Hawkmoon stuff...and am only now hitting around 1250 LL on one character (I seriously JUST finished the Beyond Light campaign). I don't have hours and hours to chase exotics (though I really want Dead Man's Tale...it's amazing to have the idea of being the gunner on a stagecoach), so I've just given up. Also, Stasis just feels utterly broken. I mean, the old supers were strong...Stasis feels overly powerful. I get my Behemoth on and I literally feel like I can charge into 100 enemies in PvE and win, nothing to worry about. It feels like they keep listening to the hardcore players and refusing to give the people who can't play every day any kind of consideration. For Example for them: Titanfall. You can play the first one for 2 hours every other week and still not feel like you don't stand a chance. Sure, the every day players had the clear advantage, but a casual player could load in, use a couple burn cards, and help turn the tide in a match.

D2 doesn't feel like that. It feels like you can't help on a raid...because you don't have or hate to use the required hardware (seriously...I don't like to snipe. And I definitely don't want to have to for an entire damage phase on a freaking boss...). People will not look at you for raids, because you don't have weapons...its like playing at the end of Destiny 1 again...only not everyone can get Iron Gjallarhorn now.
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Dec 19, 2020
That's the way that it is and thats sad , I still don't have the Dead mans tale and unless someone helps me I won't get it till I can buy it , same with the randam roll Hawkmoon , I have the static roll one and put it in the vault , I think Malfeasance is a much better handcannon ! I have yet to do a D2 raid and I really don't care , If the DSC didn't have all the mechanics involved I would want to do it , I just want to shoot at stuff and not have to put a ball in a socket before time expires and it blows up , it's just a bunch of useless crap , that's my opinion !


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
It's funny, a clanmate of mine runs Titan. He loves to Yeet on people in PvP. He hates Behemoth as he feels it's not strong enough. But if he's not running stasis he feels he's at a disadvantage.

I just got my hunter to 1310 with IB this last week. I got my final piece.

I know several people who have done the Presage solo. A couple of them did the Master version solo. I just am not good enough to do so myself. If I didn't have clanmates, I more than likely would not have any of the Hawkmoon stuff or Presage done without them.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I know several people who have done the Presage solo. A couple of them did the Master version solo. I just am not good enough to do so myself. If I didn't have clanmates, I more than likely would not have any of the Hawkmoon stuff or Presage done without them.
I'm the same way , not quick enough to do this kinda stuff without help !
Dec 17, 2020
My biggest problem with those timed missions is I forget paths. I never was able to get Whisper or Zero Hour because I'd get lost. Sadly, in real life I can find my way out of a cave with nothing but a flashlight a protein bar, or in a classic MMO I can find my way around as long as I see a N arrow on the game map...but I can't do it in D2.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
My biggest problem with those timed missions is I forget paths. I never was able to get Whisper or Zero Hour because I'd get lost. Sadly, in real life I can find my way out of a cave with nothing but a flashlight a protein bar, or in a classic MMO I can find my way around as long as I see a N arrow on the game map...but I can't do it in D2.

I'm the same way. I usually go into a mission well after it's been out and then I'm just following whomever I'm running it with. If I go in and take time and pay attention while going through, I can remember it. But usually everyone just wants to run through it. bleh...


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
My biggest problem with those timed missions is I forget paths. I never was able to get Whisper or Zero Hour because I'd get lost. Sadly, in real life I can find my way out of a cave with nothing but a flashlight a protein bar, or in a classic MMO I can find my way around as long as I see a N arrow on the game map...but I can't do it in D2.
The only way I got either gun was I got a carry . I made it through the whisper puzzle a couple times with about a minute left and the outbreak , I made it to the fans , however when they were both glitched (easy boss kills) Sivatech was kind enough to get me both guns in the same night , and still to this day I can't thank him enough! Did I mention how bad I am at jumping puzzles !
Dec 17, 2020
The only way I got either gun was I got a carry . I made it through the whisper puzzle a couple times with about a minute left and the outbreak , I made it to the fans , however when they were both glitched (easy boss kills) Sivatech was kind enough to get me both guns in the same night , and still to this day I can't thank him enough! Did I mention how bad I am at jumping puzzles !
I don't mind the jumping puzzle parts....Lion Rampant does mean that sometimes there are advantages to playing a Titan. However, the Thrall Room in Whisper always confused the heck out of me and caused me to fail my teammates, and Zero Hour is just too long---any screw up can make you fail. I just am bummed that, like D1, I don't have the Outbreak Weapon (the kicker for Outbreak Prime in D1 is literally ALL I need for it is a Hunter and Warlock to do the last puzzle with me...that's all and then Shiro will give me the weapon...it's the last thing I need to complete the D1 exotic collection), and can't get it or heir apparent, or whisper currently. Yeah, I'm bummed I never got any of the raid exotics...but if I can't raid c'est la vie. XD


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I don't mind the jumping puzzle parts....Lion Rampant does mean that sometimes there are advantages to playing a Titan. However, the Thrall Room in Whisper always confused the heck out of me and caused me to fail my teammates, and Zero Hour is just too long---any screw up can make you fail. I just am bummed that, like D1, I don't have the Outbreak Weapon (the kicker for Outbreak Prime in D1 is literally ALL I need for it is a Hunter and Warlock to do the last puzzle with me...that's all and then Shiro will give me the weapon...it's the last thing I need to complete the D1 exotic collection), and can't get it or heir apparent, or whisper currently. Yeah, I'm bummed I never got any of the raid exotics...but if I can't raid c'est la vie. XD

I finally got the 1000 voices after about 30 runs. One of my clan mates would always steal it from me. But I finally got it, and it went into the vault. Funny part is, we did the Riven wish to complete something else, I can't remember, and that's when I got the 1K.

Same thing for the new rocket launcher for the CoS raid. One clan mate always gets it, not me.

The countdown timer for both Whisper and Outbreak just made me do stupid things. I wouldnt' have gotten those if not for my clan. I never got the catalysts as I just didn't care.
Dec 17, 2020
You know what weapon I want back from D1. Well, weapons. The class exotics Tlaloc and Fabian Strategy, only actually make Fabian Strategy the CQB weapon it should have been (ie, since it's an exotic, at close range it's not only a bullet hose, but a bullet hose with the power of a medium range AR...make it something people WANT to use), Super Good Advice, and Pocket Infinity. Especially Pocket Infinity. It only got 1 year of usefulness and only really 1 month of amazingness. I think they should at least give us that one. It deserved the ability and power fusion rifles have in this game.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
You know what weapon I want back from D1. Well, weapons. The class exotics Tlaloc and Fabian Strategy, only actually make Fabian Strategy the CQB weapon it should have been (ie, since it's an exotic, at close range it's not only a bullet hose, but a bullet hose with the power of a medium range AR...make it something people WANT to use), Super Good Advice, and Pocket Infinity. Especially Pocket Infinity. It only got 1 year of usefulness and only really 1 month of amazingness. I think they should at least give us that one. It deserved the ability and power fusion rifles have in this game.
I want Icebreaker , but it's not gonna happen , I never got Pocket Infinity and a day or 2 after I decided to abandon the quest they announced they were going to auto complete all uncompleted quests fml ! I just couldn't do 75 fusion rifle kills in NF , can now , even though I don't use them at all back then I usually have Icebreaker in that spot .
I wouldn't mind Tlaloc coming back that was a good scout rifle , but I do think they need to stop bringing back old stuff and make some new weapons , they do make some but some of these quests for the old guns are downright insane when they used to just be a world drop , oh well it is what it is !
Dec 17, 2020
I want Icebreaker , but it's not gonna happen , I never got Pocket Infinity and a day or 2 after I decided to abandon the quest they announced they were going to auto complete all uncompleted quests fml ! I just couldn't do 75 fusion rifle kills in NF , can now , even though I don't use them at all back then I usually have Icebreaker in that spot .
I wouldn't mind Tlaloc coming back that was a good scout rifle , but I do think they need to stop bringing back old stuff and make some new weapons , they do make some but some of these quests for the old guns are downright insane when they used to just be a world drop , oh well it is what it is !
Dec 17, 2020
I want Icebreaker , but it's not gonna happen , I never got Pocket Infinity and a day or 2 after I decided to abandon the quest they announced they were going to auto complete all uncompleted quests fml ! I just couldn't do 75 fusion rifle kills in NF , can now , even though I don't use them at all back then I usually have Icebreaker in that spot .
I wouldn't mind Tlaloc coming back that was a good scout rifle , but I do think they need to stop bringing back old stuff and make some new weapons , they do make some but some of these quests for the old guns are downright insane when they used to just be a world drop , oh well it is what it is !
Honestly the trick for the FR kills for me was using The Dark Below one Eris gave you (Murmur I think) or Plan C if you got one. Plan C was the best for Up Close since swapping to it made it all to easy to get 3-4 kills with its perk active (also, I totally forgot Plan C!!!! I want that back!). After they released HoW I knew a ton of people that finally got Pocket Infinity using Queenbreaker’s Bow in NFs, especially if it was a Fallen NF and it could one shot captains.


Staff member
Dec 18, 2020
I want Icebreaker , but it's not gonna happen.

I hate to say this, but if they brought Icebreaker back, I'd probably quit Destiny. I'm glad they sunset Revoker. I mean, the gun awarded you for being a crappy shot. If you miss, you get a shot back, no regard for aim. I was guilty of it. Icebreaker would be worse. They should have made Revoker award you for hitting the target, not missing.

The special economy in Destiny now is fine. If/when I run a special weapon, I put on the appropriate ammo finder on my boots and I usually always have plenty of ammo. But you have to move around the map to pick it up. Not stand in the back. You can just do that with a 120 HC now. I mean, when a 120 HC can beat a scout rifle at range, something is definitely broken.


Staff member
Dec 19, 2020
I hate to say this, but if they brought Icebreaker back, I'd probably quit Destiny. I'm glad they sunset Revoker. I mean, the gun awarded you for being a crappy shot. If you miss, you get a shot back, no regard for aim. I was guilty of it. Icebreaker would be worse. They should have made Revoker award you for hitting the target, not missing.

The special economy in Destiny now is fine. If/when I run a special weapon, I put on the appropriate ammo finder on my boots and I usually always have plenty of ammo. But you have to move around the map to pick it up. Not stand in the back. You can just do that with a 120 HC now. I mean, when a 120 HC can beat a scout rifle at range, something is definitely broken.
The main reason I liked Icebreaker so much was the fact that it made it's own ammo , I don't use a sniper in PVP , I could stay in cover and no have to run out looking for ammo , It looks cool too . If they were to bring it back it would break the game , I really don't want any of the old guns to come back , I want all new stuff, I especially don't want to do a insane quest for I gun I already had at one time and all I had to do was play the game, not get 500 precision kills in the Crucible , do 50 Grand Master NFs etc. I don't mind quests just make so I can do them by my old self , it 's kinda hard for me to get help because of the hours I work , still have to get the Hawkmoon and Dead mans tale , one of these days !!
Dec 17, 2020
But if Revoker rewarded you for hitting, it wouldn’t be worth me trying to get. My sniper use is so deliberately low my most used one is DARCI. XD