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  1. vipertec

    I now have the Unbroken Title

    Congrats , I thought about going for this and then thought better , something would get broken ( Tv , controller) so I said , nevermind !!
  2. vipertec


    The Hawkmoon quest is from season of the Hunt , You have to see the Crow on the Tangled shore to get it ,that's for the static rolled one . The Harbinger quest is for the random rolled one . We couldn't get it done there were two arc shielded Fat F*@K Cabal aholes , that no matter what we threw...
  3. vipertec


    lIf anyone wants to run the Hawkmoon mission (harbinger) I thank it's called , my buddy and I going to be running it tonight on XBox pm, EST hit me up we'll probably need a 3rd ! Just let me know your on here , Thanks !
  4. vipertec


    It does when your old !! :LOL:
  5. vipertec


    It was sunset anyway , you can buy it if you really want it .
  6. vipertec


    The main reason I liked Icebreaker so much was the fact that it made it's own ammo , I don't use a sniper in PVP , I could stay in cover and no have to run out looking for ammo , It looks cool too . If they were to bring it back it would break the game , I really don't want any of the old guns...
  7. vipertec


    I want Icebreaker , but it's not gonna happen , I never got Pocket Infinity and a day or 2 after I decided to abandon the quest they announced they were going to auto complete all uncompleted quests fml ! I just couldn't do 75 fusion rifle kills in NF , can now , even though I don't use them at...
  8. vipertec


    Me either , I'm just glad someone helped me get the guns !
  9. vipertec


    The only way I got either gun was I got a carry . I made it through the whisper puzzle a couple times with about a minute left and the outbreak , I made it to the fans , however when they were both glitched (easy boss kills) Sivatech was kind enough to get me both guns in the same night , and...
  10. vipertec

    Outriders Demo early review

    Me either , the graphics are pretty awesome though !
  11. vipertec

    Outriders Demo early review

    I got past the first story mission and then got put in a room with nowhere to "hide" and multiple enemies on both side constantly shooting at you , so I said screw this ! I'm done not gonna buy it !
  12. vipertec


    I'm the same way , not quick enough to do this kinda stuff without help !
  13. vipertec


    That's the way that it is and thats sad , I still don't have the Dead mans tale and unless someone helps me I won't get it till I can buy it , same with the randam roll Hawkmoon , I have the static roll one and put it in the vault , I think Malfeasance is a much better handcannon ! I have yet to...
  14. vipertec


    I have yet to do the Hawkmoon or the Presage missions , I'm too old and my RT is to slow to do that shit by myself , I'm not even 1300 yet (1294/93/95) , and even though they aren't for Exotics they can keep those Exo challenges too they are horrible bullshit ! All I want to do is shoot , not...
  15. vipertec


    If Bungie is going to continue putting new Exotics in high power missions (lost sectors) and raids , and not have them in RNG drops , then I've decided that they can keep them , I not going to bother going after them with the little time I have to play I'm not going to waste it going after...
  16. vipertec


    Nothing to see here , move along !
  17. vipertec


    Yeah mine too !
  18. vipertec


    Smartphone maybe ?
  19. vipertec

    Destiny 2021 Update (From Bungie)

    Too late !
  20. vipertec


    When it's available for sure !!