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  1. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    That's not too bad. I'd really just use it at work at Lunch when I could to do Gambit or Crucible to complete quests.
  2. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    So I'd have access to all my seasonal weaponry and my quests, but I couldn't say...go to Europa?
  3. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Aye, I just didn't think about that. Still kinda wish there was a discount or something. XD
  4. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Apparently I'd have to rebuy it on Steam....things just hurt my brain. Bungie already got my money once...
  5. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Oh that would be awesome. I can finally get stasis fragments and realized that the Gambit ones take FOREVER on Titan...because "Slowing" targets is really darn hard to do as a Titan.
  6. SpectralPaladin

    Question Abou Account Transfer

    Hello. I was wondering about account transfer and it’s limitations. I was debating downloading D2 on my work PC for lunchtime shenanigans (boss is cool with it), but could I do that and swap my account back and forth between Xbox and PC? How does the account transfer work? I’d hate to be...
  7. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I think the nerfs will just make it so its more like shotgun chicken, where Felwinter's users will just know they HAVE to take a first hit to guarantee a kill. Meanwhile, Slug shotgun users will make them nerf that weapon type into the ground. XD
  8. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I like the changes to shotguns too, lowering the aggressive max damage range while increasing the spread will lower those stupidly long range Felwinter kills. It should also give some of the rapid fire frames some love now that the minimum damage range is 2m further puts them both in...
  9. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    Oh I 38 year old butt just wants to feel like I'm not a liability to my entire team. I miss SBMM...the top-tier players can complain (then again, most of them like having their Baken cheat suites up sometimes), but I would prefer waiting longer for a more evenly matched game. You...
  10. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    I have always found shotguns are a game of chicken...if you tend to blink (shoot first) you lose. Hence why I like Duality....I'm an ADS Duality (Chaperone when I finally complete the new quest), FI/LO are my babies....I don't mind going for a crit with the bullet magnetism they...
  11. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    Oh, I totally is. I also miss my Quickdraw on it, which clearly did nothing, but let's neuter a gun in PvE because of PvP >.>. It should be an exotic. No arguments there.
  12. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    I understand why they sunset Recluse and Mountaintop and Wendigo...all of those Y2 Pinnacle weapons were basically Legendaries with REALLY good exotic perks. What they should have done (again, this should have been so easy, like going into a database and swapping a property) is said: For a...
  13. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    Sidearms can really mess up a shotgun Ape...because they all either use a / their Traveler's Chose quest-reward "Mindbender's Ambition", "Felwinter's Lie" or "Riiswalker". If you are remotely good at aiming while backpedaling, they die, especially with a Suros (Full-Auto Machine Pistol) sidearm...
  14. SpectralPaladin

    Going to do something crazy

    There is a TDT video, today, on a build that uses a Hunter with Cryo and Mark of Akris to basically blink-warp around the map using a High RoF shotgun like The Deicide. basically you get a kill, use the Cryo sidearm to get a freeze, and use that to flit around getting shotgun fast kills to fuel...
  15. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I personally think the right HC range was always the one they gave them at the end of D1. Where it was about the same as an AR (so High power HCs and High Power ARs played in the same sandbox, etc.) because then the risk/reward balance between both was just perfect. Sure, there were outliers...
  16. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I love taking her out to pick out her own bagel or (soon again!) for a good pancake breakfast at a diner that I don't cook. XD Soon we are having a second child, and I'm really trying to work on making sure that I spend as much time as possible with her now so that she knows, even when the baby...
  17. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I pulled the trigger when I woke up really early this morning and couldn’t sleep, and also FINALLY had Elsie give me the first Aspect quest. Good morning overall once you factor in taking my little girl out for breakfast.^^
  18. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    I never had Luna or NF, but I remember the old Devil's Due or w/e the Crucible HC was and wished I had those. Granted, I'm just not a HC user anymore....they aren't as fun to me as they once were....maybe if they'd let me have a non-sunset Rose...I miss The Rose.
  19. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    Man, also, Xur has a 68 Stat roll Nezarec's Sin today...with like +23 Recovery and +16 Intellent and +14 Strength / Discipline or some such nonsense....I'm grabbing that too. Now Xur...bring a near god roll version of something for the titan already! XD
  20. SpectralPaladin

    Xur has Transversive Steps!!!

    You have to do raids to get the materials for them though...