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  1. michael6745

    To all the spammers...

    It's yours. This Destiny Forum board is dead. I've been cleaning up all the junk spam for a year now. No one has posted anything Destiny related. I've sent emails to the board owners and nothing.. So.. I'm done. I hate to say it. But PD Forum is dead. If you want to spend your time posting...
  2. michael6745


    Well.. It appears this will be my last message on this board. PD will be shutting down soon. Thank you PF Forum and community You've made my Destiny playing a fun time!!!!
  3. michael6745


    LOL This is where I met all my Destiny friends. I still play with several of them. I miss the stories. But with everything, change happens. Even Destiny is wearing thin on me.
  4. michael6745


    Hey, this is Viper's and my private forum. LOL... Discord has killed forums...
  5. michael6745

    Its Dying out again

    Happy New Year!
  6. michael6745

    Its Dying out again

  7. michael6745

    Trails - Season 15

    Is this the first time you've gotten to play trials?
  8. michael6745

    Trails - Season 15

  9. michael6745

    Its Dying out again

    Agree, but it's only bee you, me and Spectral who's been saying anything. I haven't played much this season so I don't have much to say.
  10. michael6745

    Current Season Thoughts

    You can do Ager's Scepter in a weekend. I did.
  11. michael6745

    Current Season Thoughts

    I'm enjoying the season. I finally have gotten to play more than an hour a week. I was able to finally play some Crucible. So far I like this season. Everything seams balanced. The story is interesting.
  12. michael6745

    Trails - Season 15

    I got to play the new Trials this weekend. I'm actually quite happy with it so far. - I got to play solo - I didn't care much if I won or lost because I was accruing XP so I was able to get a reward I was actually matched with many on my level. I did get matched against some full fire...
  13. michael6745

    Current Season Thoughts

    I had one drop from something I did. I can't remember. I put it in my vault with the ones from last season. I need to delete stuff in my vault. Too many sunsetted weapons that I don't want to delete because I have so many memories with them. So far I think the story is great. I like the...
  14. michael6745

    Hung Jury-SR4 (Adept)

  15. michael6745

    Season Ending Thoughts

    I understand why they did the lost sector thing. They want people to play their content. I agree though. I did the master lost sector 20 times to get Mask of Bakris, I did the Master lost lector one time to get the new legs last season. It makes no sense. I've run the VOG raid 16 times and I...
  16. michael6745

    Subclass Tweaking / Slide Nerf Thoughts?

    They're upset because that's all they know how to do. Slide/shotty. They get a ton of kills that way. Now they may have to learn some new skill. They may not be top of the heap for a few days while they're find some other way. Let them whine. It pairs well with their cheese. The Behemoth...
  17. michael6745

    “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time” – Leo Tolstoy

    “The two most powerful warriors are patience and time” – Leo Tolstoy
  18. michael6745

    New Emblem Hunt

    I still have D1 on my PS4. I play it every so often. Then I miss the hunter dodge reload and quit. LOL...
  19. michael6745

    New Emblem Hunt

    No. I don't miss D1, nor my D1 Iron Banner armor one single bit... /s
  20. michael6745

    Updates on Destiny 2

    I still don't like Gambit